myvirtualcontent is a domain name oriented to make content integration with a electronic publication platform that allows to create and sell web publications in a fast, easy and professional way. We offer production and publishing services for authors or their representatives who are interested in making their publications in digital media of global access.
Secure Digital Content
ePublishing, eLearning, eDistribution
ePhoto Albums
eVideo Albums
eTests & Quizzes
eMultimedia Presentations
Dynamic, entertained and easy comprehension;
Packed for global distribution by downloading;
Shareware: try first, buy later;
Online or traditional payments;
Other services: Content production.
Increase your income
Decrease your expenses
Increase you distribution
Real time statistics
Add value to content comprehension with audio and video
Make marketing research
Improve loyalty to clients
Reach to the disabled or illiterate audience with audio book’s publication